Author Archives: Carolyn Groenewald

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Things just got more challenging for this remote worker. You see life with 3 children and their activities, homework and all the usual domestic duties and work wasn’t enough for me – I have gone and had another little one. Today she is 10 days old and I forgot how challenging and demanding those first […]


….not too long ago, a new business owner excitedly made her very own WordPress Website. She wanted to keep within a budget, so decided to do a little research and tackle this on her own. All went well, her site looked fabulous, and she even managed to get her basic SEO up to scratch. She […]

WORDPRESS STAGING- off the stage

When we say WordPress staging it has nothing to do with methods of presenting a play or any dramatic performances – though drama is definitely what does happen if a site is not staged before it goes live. WordPress staging in this case basically refers to a staging environment for your site..a copy of your […]

Diary of a Remote Worker(3)

Remote Worker – entry 3 All is still well with this remote worker. Really well. I have a daily schedule set up and implemented. It’s all good. I have noticed though, one little thing since becoming a remote worker. It’s not anything serious, but was brought to my attention by none other than my husband […]

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wpza wordpress maintenance

Analyse This….

It can sometimes get a little overwhelming with all the tools out there that you can use freely to keep tabs on your website – to analyse, monitor and inspect. As you delve deeper you realise that you actually knew very little and you had in fact only touched the tip if the proverbial iceberg […]

Gym membership for your site

“Help! I did something wrong and now my site has vanished, like into thin air.” We have often received panic calls or skype calls from a past client, panic easily heard in their voice, declaring the above. We then have to assure them that all is not lost (unless they really managed to do the […]

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20 Sites!

WPZA Maintenance now has over 20 sites on our maintenance plan – Eish, that happened fast! We are working tirelessly behind the scenes on our clients sites, keeping them updated, maintained and streamlined. Jo-anne has  orchestrated an efficient and time saving schedule so nothing is left undone or unchecked – thanks Jo for being so […]

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CSS just like Fairy Dust

Customising your WordPress Theme Bring on the CSS! About a year ago I was told that I was chosen to be the “CSS QUEEN” so I naturally went with this title and made css my thing. Our relationship is a happy one – though not understood by many. We are ok with this. What I […]

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Why I Love WordPress

I have had experience from both sides of WordPress. Being first introduced to it as a site owner and then as a developer. Being given the reigns of your site to upload and change at will is thoroughly liberating and gives you a sense of accomplishment and breaks your dependence on others to help keep […]

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The white Screen of Death – WordPress

If you have been using WordPress for a few years you have encountered this at least once. It is frustrating but does not mean all is lost. Sometimes it only affects the admin panel, sometimes only parts of it. Here are a few solutions should you encounter the dreaded white screen: First make sure you […]

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WordPress Updates – 6 essential steps

It is pretty important that you start the process during off peak times when internet traffic is low (usually in the evening) should something go wrong and you hit panic stations. 1. Back your site up This is important in that you have an action plan should something go wrong instead of freaking out and […]