Tag Archives: Best Parctices

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Avoid Using admin as your WordPress Username

Choosing the correct user name for WordPress

Avoid using admin or administrator as your sites user name. When you install WordPress the default user name is admin, this is something you should try to avoid. Most hackers try access your site via wp-admin or the wp-login.php page, and they know that the most common username out there is admin. They try a […]

Warning: Undefined variable $size in /home/wpzaco/public_html/wp-content/themes/child-wpza/archive.php on line 103

WordPress Security Best Practices

Here are a few WordPress Security best practices that you can employ to protect your WordPress website from being compromised. This can come from malicious intent or something accidental while working on your site.   Backup your site. Daily for sites that change a lot weekly for sites that don’t change often. Your hosting provider […]