….not too long ago, a new business owner excitedly made her very own WordPress Website. She wanted to keep within a budget, so decided to do a little research and tackle this on her own.
All went well, her site looked fabulous, and she even managed to get her basic SEO up to scratch. She quite deservedly patted herself on the back for a site well done.
Having done her research and managing to go into the back-end of the site on the Dashboard for regular content updates and image changes, she kept noticing these red alerts popping up all over the show telling her she needed to update certain plugins and her version of the theme she chose. Knowing enough to get her this far, but not enough to quite know what to do, she pressed the update button. It said she must – what could possibly go wrong?
Her lip trembled, her arm pits sweated and her world crumbled.
Her site was gone!
She had a blank screen in front of her with some weird warning.
She couldn’t access her dashboard.
She forgot the golden rule of doing a site backup.
What now?
Our DIY WordPress site creator did what many have done in the past. Forgetting to do site backups and not first checking if all the plugins are compatible with their current version of their WordPress theme. All is not lost though, in most cases someone with a little know-how can still retrieve the site and not all is always lost. In most cases. Backups are vital with any site, even the most knowledgeable developer can overlook some vitals and end up either loading an incompatible plugin or upgrading where upgrading should not have been done before some other step is completed. It happens. But, one thing all developers will do is backup – there is no worse feeling than losing a site you spent time and energy on only to have it go – poof!
Now, we hate having to load extra costs onto anyone’s already stretched budget, but, if you have invested money or your own time and energy on a site that you are very proud of and that helps to bring awareness to your business or product would it not be well spent money having it regularly updated, backed up and maintained?
WPZA have invested much time getting to know the ins and outs of WordPress and everything surrounding it to keep websites healthy and live. We maintain your website while you maintain your business.
Be it a big business or a small, teeny, tiny concern we have the maintenance package for you. Entry-level to standard – we have it.
Contact us to see what package best suits you and your budget: [email protected] or pop in to our website at www.wpza.co.za and read up on what we have to offer you and your business.
Our WordPress Website Maintenance Technicians are available and ready to maintain your website.