WPZA Maintenance now has over 20 sites on our maintenance plan – Eish, that happened fast!
We are working tirelessly behind the scenes on our clients sites, keeping them updated, maintained and streamlined. Jo-anne hasĀ orchestrated an efficient and time saving schedule so nothing is left undone or unchecked – thanks Jo for being so strict with the schedules, without you Don and I probably wouldn’t know what was happening, just that it was frothy coffee time and a niggling feeling something was supposed to be done on such a day and at whatever time. We both work towards our next coffee-with-dunker break. Every business needs a task master.
Before the task master took over the structure had to be built – Enter Don. Don is a master builder within the development industry and without him Jo and I could not build our sites. Don set up an extremely efficient and user friendly package for us to work within in order for us to inform our clients on their sites functionality and performance. A pleasure to work within.
I had to step out of my SEO and Analytics haze into maintenance and have found that the routine and structure is pretty cathartic when your mind is usually busy with percentages, graphs and keywords. You know you have it bad when mid conversation with a normal person you ask them if they are happy with their online exposure and how is their ranking on Google and are they happy with it? Met with a stony silence and a confused, head tilting to the side look I realize too late that I am in the normal world and the average person doesn’t give a rats booty about google rankings and online exposure.
I’m proud of Us, we have come far in a very short time and can only see it getting even better while still maintaining our intimate boutique feel.
Congrats WPZA Maintenance – you rock baby! YES
Have a look at our WordPress Maintenance Services
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